Thursday, October 30, 2008
Kailyn's conference today
She is doing wonderfully academically. Right where she should be and then some. She brought in her last paper that needed to be finished out of her green folder and her teacher gave her a big sticker for having an empty green folder. This filled up her sticker chart so she got a new one of those too. This is something that Kailyn has really wanted to have happen. The teacher did a great job of boosting Kailyn's confidence. She told her that she was a role model for the other students and that they looked up to her. That made her feel great. On they way home she asked me what it really meant and I said that the kids thought she was cool. LOL She liked that. I told her that I was proud of her for being such a hard worker and she was beaming. She scored 100% on a reading comprehension test and was one of only two kids in her class of 22 that did that. She also tests well above average in reading. The teacher said that she should continue to work on her reading fluency. (so she does not sound like a robot) Kailyn thought that was funny. I let Mrs. Kenny know that this was the first week that she has had her blood sugar levels within range for most of the time at school. We are both hoping that she makes it through her first full week of school next week. :)
The USM Gorham Community Halloween Party
I wish I had taken my camera now. But, I will next year. The kids had their first pony rides and apple from a string experience. It was donuts when I was little, but now that putting apples in water is considered a health risk, you can't do that anymore. So, they put apples on a string. Of course, there was candy everywhere. The kids made their own bags and collected some in them. We did a great job of keeping Kailyns levels under control. She had a ton of candy and when we got home her level was an 86. Hopefully, we can do the same tomorrow. They also went in a bouncy house, got their faces painted, played a game of plunco and went on a hayride around USM. It was COLD on the hayride and the tractor went FAST! They had a haunted house, but I heard people coming out of it saying it was too scary for little kids so we skipped it. Kailyn begged, but she is just like me and can't handle scary. We saw a ton of Kailyn's friends and people we know. The Gorham Rec dept and USM Athletes put on a really great party and the kids can't wait for next year. This is the first year that they have been old enough and there was no school the next day for Kailyn. Sam had a school party today and has one tomorrow. Apparently, it is not PC in Gorham to celebrate Halloween so no party at school for Kailyn. That is why I wanted to get her out to do something else fun for Halloween. Here are a few pics of them in their costumes:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Getting ready for Halloween
We are busy making last minute preparations for Halloween. Tomorrow we have two parties. One at Sam's school and one at USM. Kailyn decided that she wanted to be a princess again, her fourth year in a row. She is wearing the costume that Grammie made her last year with a new hair piece and I am painting silver ballet flats from Target with Glitter Fabric Paint as I type. (Taking a break between coats) Sam is going to be a Robot. Grammie and Grandpa made the costume and it is safely being stored high away from Miley. Sam decided he wanted Robot shoes once he saw me making Kailyn some, so I guess I will be covering a pair of his sneakers with aluminum foil and duct tape after they go to bed. Then Sam has another party on Friday and the actual Trick or Treating Friday night. Kailyn has made maps of where she wants to go with neighbors names on them and has decided she wants to hit Aunt Katie's neighborhood (our old one) because she can get tons of Candy there.
Kailyn has a half day of school tomorrow and then I have a conference with her teacher in the afternoon. I am sure I won't learn anything that I don't already know. I went and spent the entire day with her on Monday. Gym class and all. Our team kicked butt playing asteroid blast (lots of fun) and when they did their running I stayed in the middle of the pack even with my clogs on. Kailyn was so proud.LOL Spending the day with her was very helpful. It let me see that it is not school causing her anxiety it is her Diabetes spilling over there. Any difference she perceives is magnified 1,000 times. I think my presence may have helped her to calm down or it may just be luck, but her blood sugar levels have been almost in range for the first time since starting school this week. (I hope I did not just jinx that) Of course, I expect them to be completely off because of Halloween now. LOL
On Saturday we hopefully will be getting together with my side of the family and will be able to meet Adam (my new nephew and Kailyn and Sam's cousin) for the first time. I say hopefully because I know that curve balls come our way often.;) My Aunt/Uncle and some cousins are flying in from Arizona for my cousins wedding on Friday night so we hope to get to see everybody. We have not seen some of them since my Grandfather's funeral. It will be good to see everyone for a happy occasion. Seth might go hunting that day. Then on Sunday we will rest in hopes that Kailyn will make it through her first full week of school next week. A busy weekend! Hope to report that all went as planned.
Kailyn has a half day of school tomorrow and then I have a conference with her teacher in the afternoon. I am sure I won't learn anything that I don't already know. I went and spent the entire day with her on Monday. Gym class and all. Our team kicked butt playing asteroid blast (lots of fun) and when they did their running I stayed in the middle of the pack even with my clogs on. Kailyn was so proud.LOL Spending the day with her was very helpful. It let me see that it is not school causing her anxiety it is her Diabetes spilling over there. Any difference she perceives is magnified 1,000 times. I think my presence may have helped her to calm down or it may just be luck, but her blood sugar levels have been almost in range for the first time since starting school this week. (I hope I did not just jinx that) Of course, I expect them to be completely off because of Halloween now. LOL
On Saturday we hopefully will be getting together with my side of the family and will be able to meet Adam (my new nephew and Kailyn and Sam's cousin) for the first time. I say hopefully because I know that curve balls come our way often.;) My Aunt/Uncle and some cousins are flying in from Arizona for my cousins wedding on Friday night so we hope to get to see everybody. We have not seen some of them since my Grandfather's funeral. It will be good to see everyone for a happy occasion. Seth might go hunting that day. Then on Sunday we will rest in hopes that Kailyn will make it through her first full week of school next week. A busy weekend! Hope to report that all went as planned.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
High School Musical 3
We went this afternoon. Big excitement because we don't take the kids to the movies very often. I think the last time was Alvin and the Chipmunks last fall. Kailyn wanted to look Cool like the girls in the Movie. She is all about looking cool and not looking cute now. Problem with this is that she does not like the way how pants and jeans feel. Only velour and jogging type pants. She has decided she does not like tights either. Once in a while she will tolerate the jeans, but it depends on her mood. I understand why she does not want to look "cute". Most of the girls don't wear dresses in first grade, but she decided she could last week because she had not felt well and the dresses are more comfortable. Oh, and skirts are cool. At least if they have a lot of glitter and tulle on them. On the weekends she happily wears her dresses. Its hard changing from a dress girl to a pants girl, when you really just want to be a dress girl, but it is not cool.
Anyway, she picked out the outfit pictured below (all bought by Nanie except the sweater/shawl) because it is cool (the stars are silver and the tights sparkle)and wanted to wear her hair down because that is how the teenagers do it. (she is 6 for crying out loud) I let her put a little make up on for the event (barely noticeable) and she felt like a superstar.
The movie was good. Kailyn was glued to it the whole time, but during slow times Sam got restless. At the finale Sam was dancing like a Maniac and had the two rows behind us laughing hysterically. He danced a little throughout, but really let it loose at the end. He usually is in constant motion so 1 hour and 40 minutes of sitting is a lot.
We messed up giving Kailyn's insulin in the movie theatre so she ended up 399 and we had to correct it at 4:00 after we left. (mental note to self: get there early enough so you can test, see the carb amounts and see the amount of insulin you are giving) She started crying hysterically for no reason so we knew her levels were off and pulled over in a parking lot to correct things.
Below are the cool clothes/hair/makeup pictures and Sam was trying to make cool faces.

Anyway, she picked out the outfit pictured below (all bought by Nanie except the sweater/shawl) because it is cool (the stars are silver and the tights sparkle)and wanted to wear her hair down because that is how the teenagers do it. (she is 6 for crying out loud) I let her put a little make up on for the event (barely noticeable) and she felt like a superstar.
The movie was good. Kailyn was glued to it the whole time, but during slow times Sam got restless. At the finale Sam was dancing like a Maniac and had the two rows behind us laughing hysterically. He danced a little throughout, but really let it loose at the end. He usually is in constant motion so 1 hour and 40 minutes of sitting is a lot.
We messed up giving Kailyn's insulin in the movie theatre so she ended up 399 and we had to correct it at 4:00 after we left. (mental note to self: get there early enough so you can test, see the carb amounts and see the amount of insulin you are giving) She started crying hysterically for no reason so we knew her levels were off and pulled over in a parking lot to correct things.
Below are the cool clothes/hair/makeup pictures and Sam was trying to make cool faces.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Our little weight loss coach
I was talking in bed with Sam before he went to sleep and all of a sudden he says:
"Daddy have a baby in his tummy"
I said, "no he does not, boys don't have babies only girls have babies in their bellies"
He says, "Jayme big tummy"
This is my SIL who just had a baby in September.
I said, "Yes, but Daddy does not have a baby he just has a big belly." ROFL
Poor Seth, he really does not look pregnant he just gains in that area and has even lost 20 pounds. LOL
Sam has done the same to me. He did it last summer. When I was buckling him in his seat he looked at my behind and then looked at my mother's and said "You butt is bigger than Nanie's". LOL
So glad we got him speech therapy so he could learn how to talk and help coach us on our weight loss journey. ;)
"Daddy have a baby in his tummy"
I said, "no he does not, boys don't have babies only girls have babies in their bellies"
He says, "Jayme big tummy"
This is my SIL who just had a baby in September.
I said, "Yes, but Daddy does not have a baby he just has a big belly." ROFL
Poor Seth, he really does not look pregnant he just gains in that area and has even lost 20 pounds. LOL
Sam has done the same to me. He did it last summer. When I was buckling him in his seat he looked at my behind and then looked at my mother's and said "You butt is bigger than Nanie's". LOL
So glad we got him speech therapy so he could learn how to talk and help coach us on our weight loss journey. ;)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Kailyn has an ear infection
It started yesterday morning and got worse by the afternoon, but she was her bubbly self. Her sugar levels have been really strange too. Either really high or really low. Overnight she kept waking up in pain and had a fever. We just got back from the doctor and got the prescription filled. Of course you could not tell she was sick when she was in the grocery store because she was so excited to be out shopping with me. We got shampoo, chapstick, notebooks and gum. Everything a 6 year old little girl dreams about.LOL It was Gorham House day at the Grocery store (the independent living home for seniors) so there were a bunch of them in line getting their prescriptions and they kept smiling at Kailyn as they passed by. Kailyn wanted me to jump up and get in line (we were sitting in the chairs waiting) because she did not realize that they were not cutting and we were already being taken care of. Even if they were cutting I can't imagine plowing them down and telling them not to cut. We could wait. LOL
Good thing we got that 504 that says they can't count absences against her because we would surely have the police at our doorstep soon. LOL I do work with her when she is feeling up to it when she is home so she can keep up in Math. She is above average in reading so we don't have to worry about that yet, but I still have her read to me.
Seth keeps telling me I should just home school her and I keep telling him I already am, we just send her to school for socialization once in a while.LOL
She just saw a commercial for High School Musical 3 and has been dying to see that movie since she learned about it this summer.(keeps asking me when it is coming out) It said tickets available now. Anytime she sees this she tells me I should buy them just in case they sell out. I tell her not to worry and she will get to see the movie. That will be a lot of excitement if we do get to go this weekend. :)
Good thing we got that 504 that says they can't count absences against her because we would surely have the police at our doorstep soon. LOL I do work with her when she is feeling up to it when she is home so she can keep up in Math. She is above average in reading so we don't have to worry about that yet, but I still have her read to me.
Seth keeps telling me I should just home school her and I keep telling him I already am, we just send her to school for socialization once in a while.LOL
She just saw a commercial for High School Musical 3 and has been dying to see that movie since she learned about it this summer.(keeps asking me when it is coming out) It said tickets available now. Anytime she sees this she tells me I should buy them just in case they sell out. I tell her not to worry and she will get to see the movie. That will be a lot of excitement if we do get to go this weekend. :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Kailyn is over the top EXCITED
about Halloween. She is making her own costume with the help of Grammie. She is going to be a butterfly for the actual trick or treating and a princess again for a party we are going to at USM. The USM athletes and the Rec department sponsor it and it is supposed to be pretty good. She asks me every day how many days until the party and Halloween. I will bring our carb book to the party. She gets 15 free grams at night and anything over needs to be treated with insulin. They said it has free food and drink. We have not been very many places where we have had to guesstimate. We need to figure out all the carbs for every candy we can think of and how we are going to do this. In the past I have let them eat the Candy until they were full that night and then slowly threw it away.(Gone in a couple of days) I am not going to be able to let them do it this year. So, Seth and I will have our assigned kid and make sure Kailyn does not eat anything until we decide what she is going to eat and how much insulin she needs. We also need to make sure she does not sneak Candy. She kept sneaking frosting off of Seth's cake the other day.LOL A little bit is ok, but a lot is not. I think we are going to let her eat one piece of Candy when we are out and about so she is not deprived of the experience, but will make her and Sam both wait until we get home to eat a bunch of it. Good thing the next day is a Saturday.
Sam does not seem to be over the top excited like Kailyn and I think he vaguely remembers it. He is going to be a robot and has the voice down pat. It is so cute. I think he will catch on quickly after the first house though.;) He also has a party at school and only one parent is bringing the food. The Mom with the kid who has a peanut allergy. She apparently does not trust the other parents to not bring products that contain peanuts. Oh well, less work for me to do. :)
Sam does not seem to be over the top excited like Kailyn and I think he vaguely remembers it. He is going to be a robot and has the voice down pat. It is so cute. I think he will catch on quickly after the first house though.;) He also has a party at school and only one parent is bringing the food. The Mom with the kid who has a peanut allergy. She apparently does not trust the other parents to not bring products that contain peanuts. Oh well, less work for me to do. :)
Sam Loves his new preschool
He is still iffy on his "old school" as he calls it, but he is loving the fact that I am taking him in in the morning and playing with him for a bit before I leave him there for the day. The new school, he can't get in there fast enough.LOL Today they went to Story Time at the library and got to look at town equipment. Snowplows and trucks. He was very excited about that. After I picked him up from the Library we went over to Aunt Katie's to visit Nanie, Kyleigh and Graham. They were all very excited to see each other and I was happy to get some kisses in.
Kailyn is doing a bit better with transitioning to school because I walk her in and put her supplies (which are kind of heavy) in the teachers closet behind her desk. She puts everything in there so that no one can take it "by accident" and it is safe. This is her lunch box, her diabetes bag and her diabetes log. I get Kailyn all set up at her desk and then leave. She loves it. She has been running very high during the day at school (the nurse just called and she was at 409)and woke up hypoglycemic this morning. This means we are going to have to get up a couple of times tonight to check her glucose levels. Its not ok to wake up a 61 and very not ok for her to be running high all the time. She has not tested positive for keytones yet, but runs the risk of it if she continues. We think we get her levels figured out and then her pancreas decides to mess everything up again. She is definately still in the so called "Honeymoon" period.
Apparently, Kailyn did not realize that she would have Diabetes for the rest of her life. I have told her before, but it apparently did not sink in. I also tell her that they are looking for a cure, but we don't know exactly when it will happen. We were looking at pumps and all the cool skins for them. I am trying to get her excited about getting one. I said, "wouldn't it be easier to have the insulin just put in you instead of getting all those shots for the rest of your life" and she said, "I am going to have Diabetes forever?" I can't even describe the look on her face.
Kailyn is doing a bit better with transitioning to school because I walk her in and put her supplies (which are kind of heavy) in the teachers closet behind her desk. She puts everything in there so that no one can take it "by accident" and it is safe. This is her lunch box, her diabetes bag and her diabetes log. I get Kailyn all set up at her desk and then leave. She loves it. She has been running very high during the day at school (the nurse just called and she was at 409)and woke up hypoglycemic this morning. This means we are going to have to get up a couple of times tonight to check her glucose levels. Its not ok to wake up a 61 and very not ok for her to be running high all the time. She has not tested positive for keytones yet, but runs the risk of it if she continues. We think we get her levels figured out and then her pancreas decides to mess everything up again. She is definately still in the so called "Honeymoon" period.
Apparently, Kailyn did not realize that she would have Diabetes for the rest of her life. I have told her before, but it apparently did not sink in. I also tell her that they are looking for a cure, but we don't know exactly when it will happen. We were looking at pumps and all the cool skins for them. I am trying to get her excited about getting one. I said, "wouldn't it be easier to have the insulin just put in you instead of getting all those shots for the rest of your life" and she said, "I am going to have Diabetes forever?" I can't even describe the look on her face.
Friday, October 17, 2008
She is unremarkable
Well, at least her labs came back unremarkable and that is terrific news!! I figured no news was good news, but I decided to call and find out what the real deal was today. Kailyn, on the other hand IS remarkable. She is so brave. Her shots do hurt sometimes (bleed and leave bruises), but she has never said I don't want them or ran and hid from us like I hear other kids her age with Diabetes do. She gets hesitant, but knows it has to be done. That and pricking her fingers. Her little fingers are scarred over in places, but she does not complain. Just knows that is how it goes. She asks intelligent questions about Diabetes, some of which I can't answer. Today she asked what diagnosed mean and why she heard the word all the time? We are working on getting her used to the idea of getting a pump and I think we are going to apply for Katie Beckett (government program for people with disabilities) so that they can cover the Blood glucose monitoring part of the pump and other expenses related to the disease. Medication, deductibles and copays add up quickly. Right now insurance only covers the insulin part of pumps. The blood glucose monitor has an alarm that would go off if she is getting below a certain level among other things, but costs $380 a month to maintain.
Kailyn went to school for the entire day today even though she has a cold. I gave her a dose of motrin and sent her on her merry way. She was the leader for the day so she was really excited about that. She had a stomach ache on the way there, but it was the nervous kind. She is starting to be able to distinguish the difference between being sick or nervous. When I told her her blood results came back normal she asked me "Then what is making me have stomach aches?" I said "stress" She asked "what is stress?" I said "It is when you are scared to do something or get worried about what is going to happen" She then said, "So I get stomach aches like you did last night" She was right, Sam gave me a really hard time last night, Seth got home late and was not here and I ended up with a bad stomach ache after I finally got Sam to sleep. She agreed that it was a good reason to have a stomach ache if your child is having a meltdown because it is hard to deal with. Our talking about her anxiety openly seems to be working so far. The nurse said she has been complaining less and if she does complain she tells her what kind of stomach ache it is. The teacher also gave her a talk and told her not to worry and if she felt nervous to let her know too.
Kailyn had me convinced she was failing Math because she was so worried about it, but when I talked to her teacher she said she was right where she should be and they were not doing drilling. Kailyn is actually having to learn Math, while on the other hand she is above average in reading and already knows everything they are doing. Both Seth and I have physical reactions to anxiety so we are just going to have to help her learn how to cope with it just like our parents did with us with a little twist added on top.(Type 1 Diabetes)
Kailyn went to school for the entire day today even though she has a cold. I gave her a dose of motrin and sent her on her merry way. She was the leader for the day so she was really excited about that. She had a stomach ache on the way there, but it was the nervous kind. She is starting to be able to distinguish the difference between being sick or nervous. When I told her her blood results came back normal she asked me "Then what is making me have stomach aches?" I said "stress" She asked "what is stress?" I said "It is when you are scared to do something or get worried about what is going to happen" She then said, "So I get stomach aches like you did last night" She was right, Sam gave me a really hard time last night, Seth got home late and was not here and I ended up with a bad stomach ache after I finally got Sam to sleep. She agreed that it was a good reason to have a stomach ache if your child is having a meltdown because it is hard to deal with. Our talking about her anxiety openly seems to be working so far. The nurse said she has been complaining less and if she does complain she tells her what kind of stomach ache it is. The teacher also gave her a talk and told her not to worry and if she felt nervous to let her know too.
Kailyn had me convinced she was failing Math because she was so worried about it, but when I talked to her teacher she said she was right where she should be and they were not doing drilling. Kailyn is actually having to learn Math, while on the other hand she is above average in reading and already knows everything they are doing. Both Seth and I have physical reactions to anxiety so we are just going to have to help her learn how to cope with it just like our parents did with us with a little twist added on top.(Type 1 Diabetes)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I know that Seth does not read my blog, but I will write about his surprise birthday party anyway and wish him a Happy Birthday regardless. Kailyn did her usual party planning even though she has a cold with a fever and her sugar numbers are all over the place(from the 50's to 460's, her range should be 80-180). She made hats, made sure there would be nachos and shrimp, had me get balloons, a cake, a game and made her father a gift. She invited Grammie and Grandpa to the surprise party and had everyone hide and jump out and say surprise when he got home. She also made sure that I cleaned the house because she knows that part of party preperation is having a clean house ;)
Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and both Kailyn and Samuel took pictures of the festivities.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and both Kailyn and Samuel took pictures of the festivities.
Kailyn made it to school
for 1 1/2 hours today and won't be going tomorrow. We were seriously late because of her brother. He had a major meltdown because I would not do things in a certain order before we left. This is where the Autism shows up still. If we start to do something in a particular pattern he insists on doing it in that patten and it gets worse. We have to stop the pattern from happening in the first place, which in turn causes a meltdown. Todays meltdown resulted in us being an hour late for both schools. I could not get him in his seat and when I did he we get out while I was driving so I had to pull over and get him back in again. Kicking, hitting, screaming and crying. We finally made it to school and he apparently had a wonderful day. Grammie picked him up for me. I could not bring Kailyn to school first because I could not bring Sam in the building so I could sign her in.
Once we got him to school I brought Kailyn in and helped her catch up with the handwriting that they were working on. Once handwriting was done it was time for snack. I got her blood checked, gave her her insulin and checked her ketones because her sugar levels were above 240. She ate her snack and then I left.
I got into the house and decided to lie down for 15 minutes before I tackled the things I needed to do for the day. One of those things was baking a cake for Seth. Well, I got my 15 minutes and then I got a call from the school that Kailyn had a stomach ache and a fever and I had to come and get her. I knew she was getting a little cold, but if I kept my kids home for every little cold they would never go.
Around 2:30 I decided I needed to do something about our cake situation so I got Grandpa to watch Kailyn while I went to the grocery store and bought one. Kailyn was planning one of her famous birthday parties so it had to be done. (It's Seth's birthday today) Glad we have Grammie and Grandpa next door to help out in these situations. Maybe Kailyn will make it to a whole day of school on Friday??( I won't get my hopes up), which reminds me, we still need to sign the 504 and IHP plans.
Once we got him to school I brought Kailyn in and helped her catch up with the handwriting that they were working on. Once handwriting was done it was time for snack. I got her blood checked, gave her her insulin and checked her ketones because her sugar levels were above 240. She ate her snack and then I left.
I got into the house and decided to lie down for 15 minutes before I tackled the things I needed to do for the day. One of those things was baking a cake for Seth. Well, I got my 15 minutes and then I got a call from the school that Kailyn had a stomach ache and a fever and I had to come and get her. I knew she was getting a little cold, but if I kept my kids home for every little cold they would never go.
Around 2:30 I decided I needed to do something about our cake situation so I got Grandpa to watch Kailyn while I went to the grocery store and bought one. Kailyn was planning one of her famous birthday parties so it had to be done. (It's Seth's birthday today) Glad we have Grammie and Grandpa next door to help out in these situations. Maybe Kailyn will make it to a whole day of school on Friday??( I won't get my hopes up), which reminds me, we still need to sign the 504 and IHP plans.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Apple Picking
We have gone every year since Kailyn was a one year old and I did not think we were going to make it this year, but we got to go today because it was a beautiful day and we put all of our other responsibilities aside. The kids had a blast. They both got little pumpkins and Kailyn named hers fall. Sam's favorite part was the old farm equipment. We had to drag him off of them so we could leave.

6 until Me
6 until me is a blog written by a woman who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 6. Just like Kailyn. I like to check in on the blog once in a while to see what life may hold for Kailyn when she is her age.
Here is a recent posting on October 8:
My Parents
I saw a mother and her eight year old daughter at the train station this morning. It was kind of chilly out, so most of the conversations on the platform were visible, with little puffs of cold above the speaker's mouths. The mom leaned over to her child and touches her finger tip to what looked like a cell phone. The child drew back her hand and stuck her finger in her mouth. The mom looked at the machine, furrowed her eyebrow, and said something to her daughter. Her daughter reached into her coat, pulled out another machine, then tucked it back into her jacket.
Untrained eyes wouldn't see this action as anything of note. Commuters weren't staring. Everyone was going about their business - a regular Wednesday morning. But I saw this mother's daily business - keeping her child alive. I'm watching this from the sidewalk, not able to hear what's being said. I can only imagine the words, but they sound so familiar.
I read a lot of diabetes blogs (I know - me?!) and some of the blogs written by my fellow diabetics really touch my heart. Even though we're all working at different jobs, driving different cars, maintaining different values, and living in different families and skins, every last one of us is dealing with the same vulnerability. We're all trying to pinch hit for our pancreases, and it can be a tough road at times.
Reading the blogs from the parents of children with diabetes ... they touch my heart, too. But some times they break it.
I forget that while I'm testing my blood sugar, wearing the pump, and doing my diabetes thing every day, my mother and father are still worrying. My parents had to step in when I was diagnosed because I was a little kid who has more interest in climbing trees than climbing blood sugars. And I can't imagine what it's like to have a child with diabetes - I've only been a child with diabetes, and now an adult with diabetes. Sometimes it hurts a bit to prick my finger or do an injection, but I can control and manage that pain. I can't imagine what it must have been like for my mom to have me crying and hiding behind the dining room curtains while she drew up my shot when I was a kid. It wasn't like that all the time, but I'd imagine that once was enough to leave a mark on my mother.
This mother this morning reminded me of my own mom. Made me think about the other parents of kids with diabetes, and what they do every day to keep us safe, healthy, and able to be kids. Just regular kids, even if we have to take a break from playing every now and again to test or shoot or eat. Some of the blogger moms and dads write about their child's diabetes, and I have to really concentrate to find the bits of diabetes memories from my childhood. And I prefer it that way - my childhood wasn't "childhood with diabetes" but instead just "childhood." Our parents, they protect us and keep us safe from feeling scared and unsure. They absorb those feelings for us and try to make our lives as normal as possible. And I am so thankful for everything my parents did for me.
The train rumbled to a stop and the mother and daughter climbed on board. And I went into my office and called my mom.
by Kerri Morrone Sparling
6 until me
Here is a recent posting on October 8:
My Parents
I saw a mother and her eight year old daughter at the train station this morning. It was kind of chilly out, so most of the conversations on the platform were visible, with little puffs of cold above the speaker's mouths. The mom leaned over to her child and touches her finger tip to what looked like a cell phone. The child drew back her hand and stuck her finger in her mouth. The mom looked at the machine, furrowed her eyebrow, and said something to her daughter. Her daughter reached into her coat, pulled out another machine, then tucked it back into her jacket.
Untrained eyes wouldn't see this action as anything of note. Commuters weren't staring. Everyone was going about their business - a regular Wednesday morning. But I saw this mother's daily business - keeping her child alive. I'm watching this from the sidewalk, not able to hear what's being said. I can only imagine the words, but they sound so familiar.
I read a lot of diabetes blogs (I know - me?!) and some of the blogs written by my fellow diabetics really touch my heart. Even though we're all working at different jobs, driving different cars, maintaining different values, and living in different families and skins, every last one of us is dealing with the same vulnerability. We're all trying to pinch hit for our pancreases, and it can be a tough road at times.
Reading the blogs from the parents of children with diabetes ... they touch my heart, too. But some times they break it.
I forget that while I'm testing my blood sugar, wearing the pump, and doing my diabetes thing every day, my mother and father are still worrying. My parents had to step in when I was diagnosed because I was a little kid who has more interest in climbing trees than climbing blood sugars. And I can't imagine what it's like to have a child with diabetes - I've only been a child with diabetes, and now an adult with diabetes. Sometimes it hurts a bit to prick my finger or do an injection, but I can control and manage that pain. I can't imagine what it must have been like for my mom to have me crying and hiding behind the dining room curtains while she drew up my shot when I was a kid. It wasn't like that all the time, but I'd imagine that once was enough to leave a mark on my mother.
This mother this morning reminded me of my own mom. Made me think about the other parents of kids with diabetes, and what they do every day to keep us safe, healthy, and able to be kids. Just regular kids, even if we have to take a break from playing every now and again to test or shoot or eat. Some of the blogger moms and dads write about their child's diabetes, and I have to really concentrate to find the bits of diabetes memories from my childhood. And I prefer it that way - my childhood wasn't "childhood with diabetes" but instead just "childhood." Our parents, they protect us and keep us safe from feeling scared and unsure. They absorb those feelings for us and try to make our lives as normal as possible. And I am so thankful for everything my parents did for me.
The train rumbled to a stop and the mother and daughter climbed on board. And I went into my office and called my mom.
by Kerri Morrone Sparling
6 until me
Waiting for her blood sugar to come down.
Waiting for her blood sugar to come up.
Waiting for the school to call with her numbers.
Waiting for her to be ready for the next shot and to count to 3 so we can give the shot.
Waiting for her to prick her own finger 10 times a day.
Waiting for the bruises to heal.
Waiting for science.
Waiting for her A1c result.
Waiting for good news.
Waiting for Lab results
Waiting for prescriptions to be filled.
Waiting for technology to improve.
Waiting for restrictions to be lifted.
Waiting for people to understand.
Waiting for her to get older.
Waiting for it to get easier.
Waiting for sleep.
Waiting for it to occur to someone that it makes no sense to renew a prescription for medication she will need forever.
Waiting for the next stomach ache or headache.
Waiting for a breakthrough.
Waiting for a miracle.
Waiting for non-diabetes-related thoughts.
Waiting for a cure.
(Poem taken from Carey Potash's blog and adapted to fit our life)
Waiting for her blood sugar to come up.
Waiting for the school to call with her numbers.
Waiting for her to be ready for the next shot and to count to 3 so we can give the shot.
Waiting for her to prick her own finger 10 times a day.
Waiting for the bruises to heal.
Waiting for science.
Waiting for her A1c result.
Waiting for good news.
Waiting for Lab results
Waiting for prescriptions to be filled.
Waiting for technology to improve.
Waiting for restrictions to be lifted.
Waiting for people to understand.
Waiting for her to get older.
Waiting for it to get easier.
Waiting for sleep.
Waiting for it to occur to someone that it makes no sense to renew a prescription for medication she will need forever.
Waiting for the next stomach ache or headache.
Waiting for a breakthrough.
Waiting for a miracle.
Waiting for non-diabetes-related thoughts.
Waiting for a cure.
(Poem taken from Carey Potash's blog and adapted to fit our life)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We made it through our first sleepover.
Kailyn has not gone anywhere without us. Play dates are not possible because only people who are trained in how to give glucagone and treat diabetes can take her. Besides Seth and I that leaves us with Nanie and Grammie as the only two trained to do this. Up until now I have not wanted her more than a few feet from me or gone for a few hours. I tolerate her going to school because she has to go and I am starting to get confidence in the school again so I don't worry as much.
Kailyn has been begging for a month to have a sleepover at her Grammie and Grandpa's like she had done quite a few times pre-Diabetes and we finally agreed on a date. It was last night. She was feeling ok and her levels were somewhat ok last week. However, she was so excited yesterday her levels were all over the place. (and still are as of this am) She made it through the night after I went over and layed with her until she fell asleep at 10pm. It sounds like it was a success because they are now going on a nature walk and will be back in by 11 am.
Last night Seth and I got to go out to dinner for the first time since July. It was an early birthday present from his parents. Before July it had been Christmas time. We tried in April, but Seth got sick. We went to Margaritas and got to talk for a long time last night without any interruptions or Chaos going on. It felt weird, but it was nice. It reminded me that we don't talk very often, just live. Hopefully our life will become less chaotic as we get used to Diabetes and we will have more time for adult talk again.
We are waiting for Labs to come back that we had drawn on Wednesday. They are testing her for Celiacs, Thyroid among other things because she still has stomach aches and headaches. I am hoping it is just anxiety, but even if it is just that I need to zone in on that and get her feeling less anxious. She did better this week at school and made it through the whole week, but still has a way to go. She threw up one morning before school and had several stomach aches before school as well. We wish we could take school out of the equation, but Seth and I know we can't keep her in a bubble and she needs to learn how to deal with some anxiety. We are trying to control what we can in the mean time.
Which leads me to my last bit of info. My Mom is taking over the care of Kyleigh and Graham. I love them to pieces and will miss them very much (already do), but I need to concentrate on my kids and getting our lives in order. It was a hard job taking care of them before, but I was up to the challenge and loved doing it. However, I can't take care of my own kids needs and take care of them. The morning is chaotic with them all, I am on the phone 6 times a day with the nurse and I have to go to the doctor all the time with BOTH kids.(Sam is having his own issues). If I had any other job I would have had to quit immediately to care for Kailyn. Her and Sam are very demanding right now. Not that they were easy before, but triple time now. Hopefully within the next few months I can get my kids into a good groove, my house organized and overall get us to start to feel like a put together family again. But for right this minute, Grammie just called on her cell and I need to go down and let the kids in because Kailyn is Hypoglycemic for the second time today.
Kailyn has been begging for a month to have a sleepover at her Grammie and Grandpa's like she had done quite a few times pre-Diabetes and we finally agreed on a date. It was last night. She was feeling ok and her levels were somewhat ok last week. However, she was so excited yesterday her levels were all over the place. (and still are as of this am) She made it through the night after I went over and layed with her until she fell asleep at 10pm. It sounds like it was a success because they are now going on a nature walk and will be back in by 11 am.
Last night Seth and I got to go out to dinner for the first time since July. It was an early birthday present from his parents. Before July it had been Christmas time. We tried in April, but Seth got sick. We went to Margaritas and got to talk for a long time last night without any interruptions or Chaos going on. It felt weird, but it was nice. It reminded me that we don't talk very often, just live. Hopefully our life will become less chaotic as we get used to Diabetes and we will have more time for adult talk again.
We are waiting for Labs to come back that we had drawn on Wednesday. They are testing her for Celiacs, Thyroid among other things because she still has stomach aches and headaches. I am hoping it is just anxiety, but even if it is just that I need to zone in on that and get her feeling less anxious. She did better this week at school and made it through the whole week, but still has a way to go. She threw up one morning before school and had several stomach aches before school as well. We wish we could take school out of the equation, but Seth and I know we can't keep her in a bubble and she needs to learn how to deal with some anxiety. We are trying to control what we can in the mean time.
Which leads me to my last bit of info. My Mom is taking over the care of Kyleigh and Graham. I love them to pieces and will miss them very much (already do), but I need to concentrate on my kids and getting our lives in order. It was a hard job taking care of them before, but I was up to the challenge and loved doing it. However, I can't take care of my own kids needs and take care of them. The morning is chaotic with them all, I am on the phone 6 times a day with the nurse and I have to go to the doctor all the time with BOTH kids.(Sam is having his own issues). If I had any other job I would have had to quit immediately to care for Kailyn. Her and Sam are very demanding right now. Not that they were easy before, but triple time now. Hopefully within the next few months I can get my kids into a good groove, my house organized and overall get us to start to feel like a put together family again. But for right this minute, Grammie just called on her cell and I need to go down and let the kids in because Kailyn is Hypoglycemic for the second time today.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
We have made it to school
for the second day in a row. Kailyn got to go to walk run for the first time because she met the recess duty teacher in charge and they put the procedure in place. She was hesitant to go on the playground at first, but I showed her all the adults and that she could tell any of them if she was dizzy and she finally went off. She has told me that she is too scared to tell adults she does not know that she is dizzy. I went and parked right next to the playground afterwards and the kids and I watched her until she went into school. (5 minutes) I wanted to see what happened because she has expressed a lot of anxiety about recess.(mommy stalker lol) She ran and found some friends right away and seemed to play happily with them. I could see the smiling. They are a bit bigger than she is (a full head taller)so they can run faster than her. I can see what she is talking about when she says she can't keep up, but she finds them again fast with a smile still on her face. Despite the anxiety she still really seems to enjoy school.
We are going to stop soccer and dance. Going to school is a feat for us right now. Her stomach pains at school were horrible last week and she barely ate while there. She had none on the weekend and ate like a champ. She does not like jazz because it is too hard or ballet because none of her friends are in the class. We are trying to alleviate any anxiety that we can control because there is a lot that we can't. All we can do is talk her through it and let her know that we are there for her.
Sam has made it to both schools so far this week too. We have a visual schedule that seems to help. He still said he did not want to go, but I had them call when he was ok and it took him all of 2 minutes to get settled yesterday and just a little tugging on me today.
Kyleigh, on the other hand, insists that we are staying at Sam's school. Takes her jacket off and then pouts when I put it back on. She begrudgingly goes down the stairs to the car. The teacher and I both tell her "next year".LOL
We are going to stop soccer and dance. Going to school is a feat for us right now. Her stomach pains at school were horrible last week and she barely ate while there. She had none on the weekend and ate like a champ. She does not like jazz because it is too hard or ballet because none of her friends are in the class. We are trying to alleviate any anxiety that we can control because there is a lot that we can't. All we can do is talk her through it and let her know that we are there for her.
Sam has made it to both schools so far this week too. We have a visual schedule that seems to help. He still said he did not want to go, but I had them call when he was ok and it took him all of 2 minutes to get settled yesterday and just a little tugging on me today.
Kyleigh, on the other hand, insists that we are staying at Sam's school. Takes her jacket off and then pouts when I put it back on. She begrudgingly goes down the stairs to the car. The teacher and I both tell her "next year".LOL
Sam was explaining how the leaves change
colors, fall off and then it snows to Kailyn today on the way to school. I explained this all to him one day on the way home from school recently. We look outside at the trees and talk about all the different colors we see now that it is fall. It is starting to get colder and I was explaining to Kailyn why she had to wear her fall fleece to school. I told her it would not be long before it snowed and it would be REALLY cold and went on to say that sometimes it snows in October. Sam piped in and said, "Kaiyn (he does not say the l) leaves change color, fall off, make a big mess, then snow"."Big trucks take snow off road". Proud Mommy moment :)
I said to Kyleigh as she climbed over the couch
to get to the coffee table. "What are you doing?" She replied, "Getting in trouble". She was going to get on top of the coffee table and dance. LOL Very Honest.
She also has an obsession with me washing her clothes. For the longest time she has taken her clothes off and put them on the stairs. I often put the kids clothing that has gotten dirty during the day on the stairs and bring it to the laundry room on the way up. Well, Kyleigh was doing that, but I kept putting it back on the table to go home. So, the other day she brought a pair of pants all the way up to my laundry room. I went and looked for them and found them in the laundry room and brought them back downstairs. She gets very annoyed with me when I do this. SO, the next time she hid her pants really well in the laundry room and I did not catch it before she left. I put the pants downstairs to go home the next day. Apparently she was going to make SURE that I washed these pants. VERY insistent. She hid them under Kailyn's bed. I found them while cleaning Kailyn's room this weekend. I finally gave in and the pants are in my dryer. LOL
She also has an obsession with me washing her clothes. For the longest time she has taken her clothes off and put them on the stairs. I often put the kids clothing that has gotten dirty during the day on the stairs and bring it to the laundry room on the way up. Well, Kyleigh was doing that, but I kept putting it back on the table to go home. So, the other day she brought a pair of pants all the way up to my laundry room. I went and looked for them and found them in the laundry room and brought them back downstairs. She gets very annoyed with me when I do this. SO, the next time she hid her pants really well in the laundry room and I did not catch it before she left. I put the pants downstairs to go home the next day. Apparently she was going to make SURE that I washed these pants. VERY insistent. She hid them under Kailyn's bed. I found them while cleaning Kailyn's room this weekend. I finally gave in and the pants are in my dryer. LOL
Friday, October 3, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunt Katie!!!
Kailyn planned a big surprise for Aunt Katie today. Her first surprise party. Complete with balloons, presents, cards,nachos, chocolate, a big diet pepsi, a game and whoopie pies! On the way to school she got all deep with me and said that there was only one Aunt Katie in the world and not everyone has an Aunt Katie or even an Aunt. She tends to talk about deep subject matter in the car sometimes.
She sent the babies and I on a mission to get the balloons and the nachos and quietly called Grammie without my knowledge to ask her to make the whoopie pies. I was going to buy a couple, put the candle in and call it cake, but Kailyn decided to take it upon herself and asked Grammie to MAKE them. Apparently Grammie was really up to the challenge because she made them. (I would NEVER make them lol) They were delicious.
I don't know if Aunt Katie was actually surprised, but she made a big deal out of it and the kids were absolutely THRILLED. They practiced for an hour hiding and jumping out to say surprise. When we actually did it Kyleigh took a nose dive and started to cry, but quickly recouperated once we started stuffing her with whoopie pies and chocolate. Kailyn made all of her gifts for Katie and wrapped them in a tin that Nanie gave her. She let Katie know that she wanted the tin back. Sounded just like Grammie.LOL She apparently did not trust Aunt Katie to return the tin so when Aunt Katie was leaving she promptly dumped all the presents out and took it back.LOL It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast!! They love a party no matter how big or small.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT KATIE!!! Hope you had a quiet night alone! :)
She sent the babies and I on a mission to get the balloons and the nachos and quietly called Grammie without my knowledge to ask her to make the whoopie pies. I was going to buy a couple, put the candle in and call it cake, but Kailyn decided to take it upon herself and asked Grammie to MAKE them. Apparently Grammie was really up to the challenge because she made them. (I would NEVER make them lol) They were delicious.
I don't know if Aunt Katie was actually surprised, but she made a big deal out of it and the kids were absolutely THRILLED. They practiced for an hour hiding and jumping out to say surprise. When we actually did it Kyleigh took a nose dive and started to cry, but quickly recouperated once we started stuffing her with whoopie pies and chocolate. Kailyn made all of her gifts for Katie and wrapped them in a tin that Nanie gave her. She let Katie know that she wanted the tin back. Sounded just like Grammie.LOL She apparently did not trust Aunt Katie to return the tin so when Aunt Katie was leaving she promptly dumped all the presents out and took it back.LOL It was a lot of fun and the kids had a blast!! They love a party no matter how big or small.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT KATIE!!! Hope you had a quiet night alone! :)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Our poor family LOL
Kailyn has learned how to use the phone really well and decided this week to call Grammie, Nanie and Aunt Katie all the time. She meticoulously wrote each number on a list and looks at the list and dials the number. She also has Seth's cell phone and got him once, but you rarely get Seth on the first try and can't leave a message. She leaves detailed messages if the person she calls is not there. She does it when I am not looking and asks both Grandparents for things (they have said yes to all her requests so far) or tells them what she is doing. Of course, then Sam wants to talk too. Now when I call Nanie she thinks it is Kailyn. I will have to stop her at some point, but I am hoping the novelty runs out before her callers get really annoyed. ;) LOL
Edited to add that Aunt Katie said that she was actually calling Uncle Corey, but settled on her. LOL
Edited to add that Aunt Katie said that she was actually calling Uncle Corey, but settled on her. LOL
What has been going on.
Just trying to get back into the swing of things after being in fight mode. Kailyn has gone to school 2 times this week. Weds she was having stomach trouble so she stayed home that day and we did her homework. She is having anxiety, this causes her stomach to hurt and loss of appetite at school.(at least we think) She is very hungry at home and eats a great breakfast,dinner and snack. The apple does not fall far from the tree in this area because Seth and I both have physical reactions to anxiety. We need to get her checked out with blood work for celiacs disease and her thyroid again to rule it out though. Her thyroid was off at diagnosis then normal the next day. Celiac's disease (gluten intolerance) develops in 5-10% of Type 1 diabetics so they will always be checking for it.
Sam went back to the Developmental Preschool today. We worked out a plan to eliminate as much anxiety as possible for him. The one teacher who has been there since he started (the lead teacher) would be the only one to come out and get him so he saw a familiar face first thing. They made him a visual schedule for us to show him what school he is going to on each day. He has one at home and one at school. They made him a social story about him going to both schools and they are going to make a video of him having fun at school.
Graham and Sam both had well Doctor visits today. It was interesting trying to do Sam's visit with the three kids. It reminded me of why I ask Nanie to come and watch the other two or three when I am taking one. Chaos. LOL We made it through though. Sam will be going to a specialist to check out his bladder and make sure nothing is going on there. He still has a rash and bladder problems.
Tomorrow is Friday, Aunt Katie's birthday. Kailyn has been busy schemeing up birthday surprises for her. Making presents and cards. Seth and I are looking forward to a weekend of nothingness. Well, not really nothing. We always have things we have to do, but we have nothing planned but soccer and no big things to worry about the following week like we have for so many before. I need to get my house in order and we need to get things in from outside. The outside looks like a bomb went off out back. I have not noticed until this week though. LOL
Sam went back to the Developmental Preschool today. We worked out a plan to eliminate as much anxiety as possible for him. The one teacher who has been there since he started (the lead teacher) would be the only one to come out and get him so he saw a familiar face first thing. They made him a visual schedule for us to show him what school he is going to on each day. He has one at home and one at school. They made him a social story about him going to both schools and they are going to make a video of him having fun at school.
Graham and Sam both had well Doctor visits today. It was interesting trying to do Sam's visit with the three kids. It reminded me of why I ask Nanie to come and watch the other two or three when I am taking one. Chaos. LOL We made it through though. Sam will be going to a specialist to check out his bladder and make sure nothing is going on there. He still has a rash and bladder problems.
Tomorrow is Friday, Aunt Katie's birthday. Kailyn has been busy schemeing up birthday surprises for her. Making presents and cards. Seth and I are looking forward to a weekend of nothingness. Well, not really nothing. We always have things we have to do, but we have nothing planned but soccer and no big things to worry about the following week like we have for so many before. I need to get my house in order and we need to get things in from outside. The outside looks like a bomb went off out back. I have not noticed until this week though. LOL
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