Saturday, July 24, 2010

How things are

Things are going relatively well given all the excitement that has gone on.  Keira still has seizures, but they seem to have been reduced by the medication.  I think I counted around 20 today. Much better than the 80-100 a day I was counting.  The goal is to eradicate them altogether, however.  We had to increase the dosage and if they are not almost gone within 4 more days she is going to try another one. I would rather not do this because she does not seem to have any side effects from the Keppra. We notice the seizures the most when she has her bottle and this makes her not want to drink it. Not a good thing and all the more reason to make sure they stop.  I feel like the medication is allowing her to think more clearly and she has learned to clap and say yay, gotten back the ability to say bye bye, gives great kisses, high fives and says Dada like a pro.  I have tried repeatedly to get her to say "no no dada" like Kailyn, but my efforts seem to be fruitless so far. That was Kailyn's first official sentence.  She gets all over the place by rotating her body, rolling and occasionally pushing off on her feet to reach.
Kailyn is turning out to be quite the baker and little homemaker this summer.  She is trying to earn money for a Jessie doll (she actually has, just waiting for "payday" to buy it) and can now do the dishes, laundry, organize closets and drawers and do almost any chore for money.  I don't want her to do the toilets at this point.  Her blood sugar is good overall as long as we keep on top of her. She wants to do it on her own, but she forgets or calculates the carbs wrong.  The baking throws it off, but I am not going to deprive her of the experience just to keep blood sugar levels in check.  I just need to drive home that she needs to measure out what part of the bowl she licks or to not do it at all.  She made sugar cookies from scratch all by herself yesterday. I only put them in the oven.  I thought they were great, Seth thought he had an aftertaste of baking soda.  After she baked I had her check her blood sugar and she was 360 so I corrected and she ended up 38. Sooooo, we definitely have to watch her.
Sam had a ton of fun at basketball camp last week.  He did really well for never playing before and from what I could tell he was one of only a couple that had never done it before.  He came in last in the skills challenge (mainly because he can't reach the hoop), but it did not phase him and he wants to play this winter.  He did get the ball during one of the games and ran the ball all the way to the hoop (forgot to dribble), but when Kailyn did Kindergarten basketball this is how the majority of kids did it at first.  They don't call traveling at that age. It encouraged him to know that most of the other kids had played basketball for either 1 or 2 years.  It was fun to listen to other parents talk about how their child was a basketball prodigy (insert rolling eyes here).  We are talking 5-7 year olds. lol
We are working on getting healthier as a family.  No butter or treats in the house (unless Kailyn bakes) and the peanut butter will be hidden. We are also getting rid of extended cable/dvr.  Sam got in a habit this spring of eating out of boredom and watching more tv than he usually does.  Changing our cable package will only allow for mostly boring tv(with an added bonus of saving $35.00 a month).  We are making them go outside and I am walking again.  I got a 40 minute walk in today and my leg did NOT hurt. Woohoo!! My leg hurting afterwards was a huge deterrent for me.  That and sheer exhaustion.  Now that both have passed I look forward to my walks again. The kids start swimming again on Friday and then in the Fall Sam will do soccer and I am looking into Jukado for both of them.
I almost forgot to say that Keira has four bottom teeth now and is working on her top teeth.  She is pretty good natured about it.  I still say she is the best baby ever.  I love my other two just as much as her, but she is so easy I am in awe sometimes.

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