Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Keira saying spider, trying hand movements, saying all done and momma! Huge Developments!!

I am holding my breath that this is the beginning of more to come!!!  Notice her saying spider, momma and all done. It does not have to be said correctly for it to be counted as a word.  She also tries to do the hand movements and screams at me when I stop usually, but this was not caught on the video. :)  This all took place around 1am because her teeth are hurting. You can see her put her fingers in her mouth too.

PS: No seizures still except for when she was sick with a very high fever!!  Starting Stage 1 baby food, but she refuses to drink using any sort of cup or bottle.


Nanie said...

Music to my ears. Love you Keira!
your Nanie

Danielle said...

