Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sam's "A Time For Love" Kindergarten concert

 Sam was very excited about his "musical" as he called it. He has watched his sister do these things for 4 years and now he was finally getting a turn. He kept saying that only Mom's and Dad's can come and he  expected us to both be there. Keira came with us and did great. It was much different watching him than Kailyn. She always looks at us with smiles and  waves. He was all business and barely looked our way. He was taking in the scenery.  We are both very proud of his tambourine duet and his ability to sing all of the songs. The entire pm Kindergarten did a great job.
There's my Mommy, Daddy and Keira!

All of them got to wave to us before they started to sing, dance
and play instruments.

Singing away!

Sam playing his tambourine duet.

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1 comment:

Nanie said...

What a great concert Sam! Nanie is so proud of you.
Love you bunches,