Monday, February 27, 2012

Vacation must have been WAY too fun.

Our kids are having a hard time getting back into the school routine. It was rough going, but we made it through the day. (I think, we still have 2.5 more hours of the day)

Highlights of the day.
Sam going to school. lol.
I am slowly getting more organized. All the piles in the kitchen are gone. An organized system of piles in bins. My trip to Ikea proved successful in the getting more organized front. I love that place!

Sam saying, "I don't say the S or L words." (Sexy or Love) I had just told Kailyn not to sing the song "I'm Sexy and I Know It". He tries to one up her when I correct her behavior by saying he does not do it. The song is on the TV all the time and I guess the kids at her school sing it. Sam heard it on the TV this am (the Today Show was on in the background while we were getting ready for school and the beginning of the song was played) He sang, "I'm the S word and I know it". LOL  I told him he can say love, but for some reason he thinks that he can't. He also does not think he can look at people kissing. He hates when people tease him about liking a girl even though he chases them at recess on the playground.

Keira stinking her tongue out at me. When you ask her where her mouth is she goes, "aah" and sticks out her tongue with a smile. She has an infectious giggle when you tickle her afterwards.

Kailyn asking me not to transport her after she falls asleep. I let her go to bed in ours so that she would fall asleep early. I could not understand what she meant? Did she not want me to press a Star Trek like button and transport her somewhere? Then my tired brain started to think harder. She meant transfer her back into her bed. Well, we will. lol

Keira officially starting her ABA in home program. They were doing baselines for almost a month. Now the real work starts. She anxiously awaits either Mark or Brendan at the door once the dog starts barking. She even cried the other day when Mark left.

Highlights of the week.

My kids going to art class for four days. They loved it and made a pretty cool masterpiece using melted crayons.

Playdates. Kailyn had a few and we had one with their cousins. They seemed to have a blast.

Kailyn whispering to me in Boston that she knew the secret of what LMFAO was.
Laugh my fat a$$ off or Laugh my freaking a$$ off.  I wonder how long she has pondered what those letters meant and if she really knows what the F is? lol  If she does, she is really good at hiding it.  If someone has told her it was not us and she has not heard it in our presence. I told her to keep it a secret and not to tell anyone else. lol   It is impossible to hide my children from pop culture. Kailyn takes hip hop classes and it is around them all the time. Especially her.

My nephew asking me if Sam, "Customizes his Beyblades". He turned four in December.

Watching Keira learn how to use the Ipad. She is really good at her shape sorting game. It really impresses her teachers. She can barely talk, but can push and move complicated pieces into their right places.

Finishing up our paperwork for the Autism study.

Going to the Boston Museum of Science as a family. My kids favorite exhibits were the dinosaurs and the human body section. They could not get over looking at the real brains.

Going to Ikea (This is much more fun without kids though ;) )

Kailyn getting her bunny. It's annoying sometimes, but she loves Holly to pieces.

Being healthy over a vacation. The last one was a bust. We literally NEVER left the house. It was nice to be able to do things over the vacation.

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