Saturday, June 5, 2010

It's been a long time and the playset

First of all, it has been a long time and a lot has happened since I last blogged.  When I first stopped blogging I was sick. Really sick. I had my gallbladder out and found out I was pregnant. PREGNANT.  Imagine trying recover from gallbladder surgery and having morning sickness at the same time. Not pretty. Out of that pregnancy came our third child and I had to rename my blog in her honor.
Keira came into the world on October 19, 2009
She is perfect in every way and seems to be the amazing last piece to this families puzzle.
We are still learning her personality, but at this point she seems a little bit more laid back than her older siblings and enjoys watching them and their antics.
Kailyn still has Type 1 Diabetes (until there is a cure) and Sam still has the label of autism, but we feel as though he is outgrowing that even with some quirks that need to be worked out.  I just found out that he will be going to Kindergarten in the pm every day in a regular classroom without any supports at first.
We feel blessed to have what we do and life is pretty normal until an emergency arises and then we are reminded that we have a child with a chronic illness.  It is hard to deal with Diabetes sometimes, but it does not consume us all the time. We are on autopilot and just do what we have to.  We talk about numbers, site changes, ketones and lows just like we would making a grocery list. Sounds frightening to some, but it is our new normal. People mention to me frequently how it is "hard", but I think raising kids in general is hard.  We have to feed, clothe, change diapers, help with homework and do our daily Diabetes care. Don't get me wrong, there are hard days, but those are getting easier to deal with and the really hard days are getting far and few between instead of every other day.
The Play Fort pictured is what Grampy and Aunt Alice have been working on tirelessly for the kids. The instructions said 6-12 hours to put together. Well, I have counted it up and it has been 18 hours and counting. It is STILL in progress. The box LIED. 


Unknown said...

Hey Kristen, good to know you've found "normal" again. See you for July 4th?

Unknown said...

Hi Kristen! Good to know you've found your way back to "normal". Is the play thing up yet? I want to come over and play.

Anonymous said...

The play thing is not up yet. It poured all day today.