Monday, September 13, 2010

My latest creations

Seth has been asking for pictures of the kids to have for his desk at work for quite a while.  I did not order big school packages for either of the big kids last year and we don't do studios anymore.  If I click the camera enough times I get pictures I like. This is actually a hobby I have. Wait..... did I just say I have a hobby? ;)   Anyway, I took all of the most recent decent photos I have taken and made a collage of each child to put in three 5x7 frames. I use my own printer and photo paper that I bought at the store. The whole project cost $10 and 3 hours of my life (the printer was giving me trouble). The older kids wanted Keira in their collages. :) The best part about the process is that we can reuse the frames and I can update the photos. All three frames are supposed to be on Seth's desk as of this morning.   Here are the collages.

1 comment:

Naniejohns said...

Love all these pictures.