Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm back

I've been on hiatus
Husband and kids with icky sickness that lasted for 3 days and then went on to the next one. The only two that had it at the same time were Sam and Keira. Kailyn's turn was scary because it was her first time throwing up since Type 1 Diabetes.  Illnesses like this can easily lead to hospital trips. Thankfully the Diabetes Center worked with us all day until she was in the clear. The Zofran did not work so it was a pretty powerful virus.
I thought I was in the clear, but then I got it 2 weeks ago and yesterday was the first day that I felt semi normal again.  No energy what so ever a night in the ER and a potential Blood Clot because of dehydration and laying around too much. I may be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. I will find out when Maine Med gets their act together.
Today is Super Bowl Sunday. No big plans.  I was a plumber today. I fixed the toilet lever and the bathtub faucet in the upstairs bathroom. It only took two trips to the hardware store. Yesterday I did our taxes. It feels good to be productive again.

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