Saturday, January 15, 2011

Something I thought I might never see.

Three years and four months ago Sam was diagnosed with Moderate Autism. He could barely talk, play or socialize. He also threw tantrums about routines and small things, lined things up and had stims.  We knew there was hope, but did not know if he would respond to ABA therapy. Thoughts of him living with us plagued our minds back then. He still throws the tantrums for us and is on the high end of the spectrum, but is thriving in school.  Tonight I put him in his room because of poor behavior and had to sit by the door to make sure he did not come out. He is beyond tired lately and routine changes are not helping. He kept pushing out these notes. One he tried to sound out "I am sorry", but this one just melted my heart. (SamLooMomm) "Sam Love Momma".  This is his very first sentence. It may be one long one, but he did it. This was the only area on his report card that he did not meet the standard at all. Now I need to send this to his teacher and his reading teacher so they grade him accordingly ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And FRAME it! That's absolutely precious. A treasure.