Saturday, March 3, 2012

Baselines are done and ABA has officially started!

Excuse my horrible video, but she moves around A LOT! I am really just bad at videoing. She is supposed to be showing me her mouth by sticking out her tongue and she does! Her reinforcer is praise and tickles. They are working on belly too. This is one of tons and tons and tons of programs they work on with her for 10 hours a week until she turns 3. At that point she will go to the developmental preschool program.

She is also really digging the Apps on my phone and the Ipad. The Ipad is easier for her to use. There are so many programs out there for her to try. Her favorite is Shape Galaxy and Adam's Game. I am working on trying to make a "Keira's Game" so all of the people and objects are her own. After she touches three of the right objects the last object goes across the screen in various sizes, while making music.


Early Intervention is the key. We have 3.5 years to work on her talking and learning in order to get her ready for Kindergarten. Hopefully, the seizure monsters don't get in the way!! She is on Depokote and supplemental G-tube feeding and that seems to keep them at bay. We go to see yet another Epileptimologist in April to see if we can get more info on what is going on.

On a side note, I will have a Kindergartener, 5th grader and 8th grader then. (ACK!!)

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