Monday, August 2, 2010

I would like to personally thank the person who invented Easy Set Intex Pools?

Anyone know the girl or guy? Because really, they have saved summer for us the past few years. My kids LOVE their pool. Even Keira. She puts her little feet in there and kicks away, while squealing at her brother and sisters antics. They could not care less if people call the pools Redneck or Hick.(nor do I) It is just plain fun for them and easy for Seth and I to keep up with.  They love to do tricks and to show them off. Here they are doing quite a few of them for me last Friday. (yes, I know the side says no jumping, but we like to live on the edge) lol They also do handstands, flips and cartwheels. All hard to catch on camera. BTW our lawn is getting a tad crispy because of the lack of rain.

Like the green swim cap on Sam?

Keira Watching the Fun with delight

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