Friday, August 13, 2010

Sam is SO COOL!!

He got an early birthday present today.  His birthday is Sept 3 and he will turn six.  His present is a new bike and helmet. Big boy bike and helmet to be exact.  He thought it was so cool that he could go so much faster on his new 18 inch bike opposed to his 12 inch Thomas one. His bike is now bigger than Kailyn's. I thought hers was 18 inches, but it is 16 inches.  She will have to wait until her birthday in the spring and will get a 20 inch bike.  It is amazing how they fly through the bike sizes.  Sam got a visitor from a man who saw him on his Thomas bike.  I am guessing the man will wonder why he does not have Thomas anymore? lol
Here is Sam on his new bike (which took me 3 hours to put together today)

Like the Boots??? :)

And the visitor with his Thomas the Tractor to show Sam because he saw him on his old Thomas the Train bike with the Thomas helmet.

Sam is doing really well.  He loves playing with friends. Here is a pic of the boys that came over to play today: Graham (my nephew) would not look

He loves to read books, dig in the dirt, play on the swing set, play with his sister, ride bikes, swim in their pool, draw and is a fantastic cleaner. I hope the cleaning continues.  He starts Kindergarten 1/2 days on Aug 31. We go with him on the first day Aug 30th.  He has some rudimentary alphabet and number skills, but it has been so nice out this summer that I have not pushed it. I have decided that the school can teach him much better than me.  He does not qualify for any programs because we delayed him going to school for a year and the specialist who tested him prompted him so he would get the answer. (technically he did not pass, but the prompting made him pass)  I am not worried about this, however, because they are SOOO worried about the testing numbers that they will be all over him like a swarm of bees for Reading Recovery or whatever other programs he needs to get.  He does not qualify for speech.  You basically need to not be able to talk completely to get that anymore, but I think he needs an ABA program to drill proper speech into him rather than going to someone 1x a week anyway.(that won't happen)  Hopefully he will catch on.   I am mostly worried that he will befriend Seth's ex-girlfriends son who is really hyper/out of control.  Sam tends to be a follower. Once I figure out his name I am going to try and tell him to stay away from him. lol (I am so bad)
All in all I feel pretty good about Sam and the tremendous progress he has made over the last three years. He has an appointment with the Dev Ped in October to see how she thinks he has progressed and whether or not we should pursue, press the school to give him services.  He could barely talk at this point three years ago. Now we can't get him to be quiet.  I have to remind myself that I wished for it and if you wish for something sometimes you do receive it. lol

Sam and his new buzz her earned cleaning. :)

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