Monday, November 22, 2010

So how are things?

Pretty good in my opinion.
Of course things are not perfect. As in, 3 kids without any issues, just worrying about getting homework done and making it to soccer practice on time. But, as perfect as it can get for all we have been through in the last 7 months.
Four weeks ago we were scared to death Keira was headed on a downward spiral. Losing skills and slipping away. Now she is going full speed ahead. Crawling on all fours very fast, pulling up onto things on her own, playing social games with us and getting into things she should not. We actually have to baby proof now because she is not just sitting here like a fragile baby doll.  She still has a way to go, but she is moving forward instead of backwards. I could go on with all the nitty gritty details of things she can do now that she could not a mere four weeks ago.   The seizures are not under control, but that will be a work in progress and having the right amount of sleep keeps them down.  The biggest change that people notice is the meat she has put on her bones. Over 4 pounds by now.  Chunky cheeks and still a smile that melts my heart.
If you look closely you can see the feeding tube cord coming out of her leg. That is what is fattening her up. She smells like Vanilla Pediasure. ;)


amy said...

So good to hear -- and she looks, as usual, cute as a button. Just chubbier! Those cheeeeeeeeeeeks are to die for :)

Harper has really slimmed down lately from being on the go -- I miss her rolls!

kristen said...

Thank you! I know how it goes when they start to lose the rolls! Keira has never really had any so it is exciting to see them!! lol. She is on the go more, but still sleeps a lot due to Meds so I see the rolls staying for a little while longer ;)