Sunday, November 14, 2010

It Is World Diabetes Day

We celebrated it like any other day. I did tie two ribbons at the end of our drive way to show support for both Diabetes and Epilepsy Awareness months. Having Diabetes in our life is normal now so we really don't think about it unless a crisis arises. Kailyn is quite good at counting carbs, understanding the importance of the nutrition and using her pump. We have to double check and do the inserting of the needle, but she is well on her way to independence. Do we wish we did not have to deal with Type 1 Diabetes? Yes, but we don't think about it all the time. It is only really scary when she is sick, low and has ketones. THEN we have to think about it A LOT.  Right now she is not, so we live life like getting her finger pricked and having insulin is normal.
We ARE thankful for the invention of insulin less than 100 years ago. Without that, we would not have our amazing little girl in our life.

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