Thursday, January 8, 2009

Not much going on.

But the kids are having fun. They had a snow day today and got to build a huge fort with Grandpa outside. Apparently Sam designed it. It was a huge dome that they could climb into and was really cool. They were dressed up so no body part was exposed. I am up even later than usual because I took a really late nap. Kailyn went to the endo yesterday and I could not go. They are trying to adjust her schedule, but it is hard to do when you are in a school setting with one nurse in charge of 450 kids. I have not been able to deal with the logistics, but figure it will change when she gets the pump in a month anyway. Her A1C level was 7.9, which is one fraction of a point from having to see Dr. Jerry.

They will probably put her on a stricter diet, which we are having a hard time feeding her as is. But, the higher A1C is a better case for the pump. They also were giving advice from readings right after vacation and her levels are completely different in school. I want her to have snacks and lunch at the other times that the other kids are so hopefully I can feel better soon to help straighten it all out. This reminds me that I need to e-mail the teacher and tell her that I can't volunteer tomorrow.

Sam is having another language burst. It is so great to hear. He is still a year behind, but the fact that he is making progress is such a blessing compared to a year ago at this time when we did not know if he would even be able to talk or be functional. Tonight he told me he did not want to sleep in his bed because it was too cold. I will take him to Kindergarten screening in a few months because they are getting all his info now. It will be interesting to see how he does and it might give us a case to get him another year in Woodfords. We don't plan on sending him to public K because he is a Sept baby on top of the fact that his expressive language is behind. He should be talking like Kailyn. I know that he won't qualify for summer school for sure because they are really tightening the standards.

Well, that is it for now, I feel really chatty tonight and hope to be up and taking care of my family asap. Off to e-mail the teacher.

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