Monday, February 20, 2012

Pure Joy is getting a bunny!

You have wanted for 3 years.

She started in on me when I was pregnant.

She was 7. I told her 10 years old.

I never thought she would turn 10. (In a month and a half)

She was told she would be responsible for her rabbit entirely.

I am not a huge animal lover, but my kids are.

She earned all the money to get the supplies and the rabbit.

The nice rabbit man gave her one of the gentlest bunnies he had.(Did not make her pay)
(I have no idea what kind. Just that it will be as big as my Mom's
dog Daisy. 8 pounds)

The bunny will stay inside until it gets warmer and then will stay in
a hutch out in our garage next to the heated side of the wall. She is too
young to be outside yet.

So: Introducing

The newest member of our family.

And her Mom:Kailyn

 Apparently, they were worried she would get lonely so they fell asleep in the Playroom. Sam did not find his accommodations very comfortable for long and woke up to move to the couch. The new unfinished playroom chairs just did not cut it. I then whisked him upstairs into his own bed. I then went and dragged Kailyn up to her room. Holly is in the cage with the blue blanket over it and a little opening.

Here's to hoping they calm down about the rabbit before vacation is over. ;)

A Big Thank You to Grammie and Grandpa for helping her research and taking her shopping for the supplies: I think ;)

1 comment:

Christie said...

Awwww! So cute! I love bunnies.