Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our little weight loss coach

I was talking in bed with Sam before he went to sleep and all of a sudden he says:
"Daddy have a baby in his tummy"
I said, "no he does not, boys don't have babies only girls have babies in their bellies"
He says, "Jayme big tummy"
This is my SIL who just had a baby in September.
I said, "Yes, but Daddy does not have a baby he just has a big belly." ROFL
Poor Seth, he really does not look pregnant he just gains in that area and has even lost 20 pounds. LOL
Sam has done the same to me. He did it last summer. When I was buckling him in his seat he looked at my behind and then looked at my mother's and said "You butt is bigger than Nanie's". LOL
So glad we got him speech therapy so he could learn how to talk and help coach us on our weight loss journey. ;)

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