Sunday, June 20, 2010

VBS at the Methodist Church Tomorrow

Kailyn is nervous. Sam is not.  Sam has a friend that he knows is going. I think Kailyn is more nervous about the Type I Diabetes aspect of it more than anything else.She is worried about who will take care of her in case of an emergency.There are going to be 2 other TID kids there though and one of the kids mothers is working at it.  I am hoping that once she gets there and sees that she knows other kids (which she should with 200 going) she will feel better.  She has her cellphone and I got more minutes to put on it so that she can call me at anytime. I think we are both a little nervous. I am nervous because it is the first organized thing she has done without me being there and I want it to be a success. We both need to break that barrier at some point and going to a church camp for 3 hours for 5 days in a week sounded like a good start. Here's to hoping that she loves it!!

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