Friday, August 15, 2008

Blood sugars Ok again today

Still not within range, but no hypoglycemia so we are ok with that. I am sure that eventually we will get the numbers within the range. (with help from the doctor).
We made it to the last night of soccer camp (barely) Kailyn has a fever still and we are alternating motrin and tylenol to keep it down. (we also have to check her urine for keytones when she is ill or blood sugars are above a certain number) She really wanted to go and at least watch and if she felt well enough she would participate. Well, part way through her fever broke so she had the energy to go out and do the rest of soccer camp. That made both Kailyn and Mommy happy. When we got home from the camp her blood sugar was right where it should be so we predicted the amount of insulin to give right too. I hope this illness/fever thing goes away soon. We may be making an extra trip into the doctor if it does not because it has gone on for a week now (which is too long on my Mommy radar)
Tonight I am starting to worry about what is going to happen when she starts school.(only 12 days from now) I have not heard back from them and we want to get a 504 plan together as soon as possible. We want her monitored closely at first because she does not recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia yet. Hopefully I can meet with the school nurse soon. I hope she will have experience with this and will be able to calm my anxiety about that. Seth said he will go to the school every day and threaten legal action if he has too.LOL (He knows all about 504's because of his job) Our goal is to let her go off to school on the first day like any other first grader without Mom or Dad tagging along because there is no plan in place. We just want things as normal as possible.
Also anxious about Sam starting regular preschool. I know he will do well, but he is still not great with transitions so hopefully he will just let us drop him off and go.

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